'Before proceeding with this website I wish to state the following in words.
Now, that said, I begin addressing the following post in this manner.
Strange contradiction?
Through 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21,
Isiah 56: 1 to 7 seemingly contradicts what Roman's 2: 9 to 10 states.
Isiah 56: 1 to 7 states that GOD will give those who are not direct descendants of israel better positions in Gods family then jews.
Probably this means that if jews dont accept jesus, " then a gentile or mongrel or arab " moves in for a life forever in the after life.
Through jesus.
In matthew 5: 44 jesus instructs Christian's and humans to bless their enemies.
Which totally contradicts what christ instructs humans to in matthew 5: 17 to 20.
So, that's clearly a sign that jesus is just nuts.
In a way.
And playing crazy evil unholy games with humans.
Also, in many places in christianity ,jesus clearly speaks evil of, and technically speaking " , in a matter of speaking, thoroughly curses many many many millions and even billions of created people in this existence.
As does saints Paul and peter likewise.
Matthew 15: 1 to 15, 1st corinthians 16: 22, galatians 1: 8 to 9 , 2nd peter 3: 7 to 17 s well as 2nd peter 2: 1 to 17 are just a few of many many passages in christianity which prove literally beyond any shadow of a doubt that, that is completely true .
In every way.
Regarding this existence.
So that too is clearly a crazy contradiction in christianity.
That's what it is.
Call a spade a spade.
Those aRe crazy contradictions in christianity.
Ireefutably they are.
Pure and simple.
Also " a few ancient christian scriptures" which early Christian's accepted as scripture stare that God does not sleep.
Why then does CHRISTIANITYS scriptures say jesus was fast asleep on a boar with his apostles watching him in the gospels?
Wouldnt that amount to a slight contradiction in christianity likewise?
If Goddoesnt sleep then why does his son?
According to christianity?
Also, to lynn and now likewise another friend I have in this life named carissa I now say this.
Ya know?Lynn and carissa?Last night ultimately, I went over the FACTS of this existence.IVE ADDRESSED IN MY WEBSITES.ATTACHED HERE.Thoroughly.And, YA KNOW.... one thing is very ""Certain."""ON THAT NOTE.THE INFORMATION LOCATED IN MY BLOG WEBSITES IS """ FACTUAL.""SO?DEFINITION TO THE WORD " FACT"?ON THAT NOTE?ITS SIMPLY THIS.A FACT MEANS "" TRUTH.SOOOO?ON THAT NOTE, WHAT DOES THAT STATEMENT TELL A RATIONAL PERSON?HMMMNNNN?UH HUH...PRECISELY.SO?AND ALSO, INCREDIBLY, THE FACTS OF THIS EXISTENCE ALSO CONFIRM THE FOLLOWING.WHICH IS SIMPLY THIS.LYNN?CARISSA?ARE YA LISTENING?UNLESS WHAT I ADDRESS TO HUMANITY IN MY 101 WEBSITES IS TRUE, THE FACTS OF THIS LIFE ALSO QUITE LITERALLY VERIFY THAT WHOEVER THE REAL CREATOR OR CREATORS OF LIFE HAPPEN TO BE, IN ESSENCE, HE SHE IT OR THEY ARE COMPLETELY CORRUPT AND UNHOLY IN RIGHTEOUSNESS.HMMNN?LETS SEE NOW?IS IT OPTION A?THE OBVIOUS FACTS I ADDRESS IN MY WEBSITES ARE TTUE AND THE GODHEAD OF CHRISTIANITY IS RIGHTEOUS BEFORE MORTALS IN THIS LIFE?OR IS IT OPTION B?THE CREATOR PRODUCER OR CREATOR GENITORS OF ALL LIFE ARE COMPLETELY CURSED DECEPTIVE UNRIGHTEOUS ASSHOLES?LYNN AND CARISSA?YOU CAN HAVE A MOMENT TO THINK ABOUT THE QUESTION.On Sat., Jul. 30, 2022, 1:55 a.m. vinnie venus, <7thmaskedmarvel@gmail.com> wrote:Although, to be honest?Lynn?I'd probably pay good money to see you dressed in a helmet again.And wearing one on a bicycle.It truly was awesome seeing you wear one.It was hilariously cool.Ya know?Regardless of the preceding truths just SPOKEN.On Sat., Jul. 30, 2022, 1:51 a.m. vinnie venus, <7thmaskedmarvel@gmail.com> wrote:My point?The point ,dear ladies,is that their is no true logic in wearing a helmet for protection on a bicycle.Which means , generally speaking, one is safer , without wearing a helmet.Submerging your head under water and attempting to breath in air into your esophagus to cure asthma is actually more logical then wearing a helmet for protection on a bicycle.Truly...Ladies.Let's not be silly.Here.On Sat., Jul. 30, 2022, 1:46 a.m. vinnie venus, <7thmaskedmarvel@gmail.com> wrote:P.s.Dear lynn and carissa.Please note the following logic.Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle for protection,is about as submerging ones head inside an aquarium full of water and then attempting to breath in air.Though, dear lynn..I'll have to admit. You looked quite cute,wearing your helmet the day I saw you riding your bike.It was actually worth something.Seeing that.You know?Truly.On Fri., Jul. 29, 2022, 10:02 p.m. vinnie venus, <7thmaskedmarvel@gmail.com> wrote:http://3rd-aeon-sophia.blogspot.com/ If this information I address here is factual?Then perhaps christ is righteous.IF NOT ?CHRIST AND EVERY OTHER GOD OR CREATOR IN EXISTENCE, MALE OR FEMALE OR EVEN SOMETHING ELSE ARE ABSOLUTE COMPLETE HYPOCRITICAL SINNERS.SO?I WONDER?WHICH OPTION IS COREECT?ON THAT NOTE?IN HINDSITE.IS ITA OR B?On Fri., Jul. 29, 2022, 9:32 p.m. vinnie venus, <7thmaskedmarvel@gmail.com> wrote:Now...? I'm not saying. I'm invincible.Lynn.That'd be perhaps crazy to say that.IVE FELT WEAKNESSES IN THIS LIFE.PROBABLY MORE RHEN MOST BEINGS.SO, WHATS THAT.ITS WEIRD.WHEN IM INFURIATED IN THIS LIFE I HAVE STRENGTH.YOU KNOW HOW SOME PEOPLE SAY RAGE GIVES THEM STRENGTH?QUADRUPLE THAT?IT DOESNT GIVE THE STATEMENT CREDIT.SO IM VERY WEAK.EVEN MORE THEN MORTALS USUALLY WHEN IM CALM.BUT NOT IN RAGE.ALIGNING JOHN 6:63 AND C5Q79 OF THE QUATRAINS OF NOSTRADAMUS.HUMANS CANT SEE IT.BUT ITS THERE.IN DANGEROUS DEGREES.THAT WVEN THE GOD OF ISRAEL IS VERY CAUTIOUS OF.AW YES.YET MY ACHILLES HEEL?CONNECTED TO C2Q45 OF THE QUATRAINS OF NOSTRADAMUS?ITS WHEN IM CALM.AND NOT ANGEY WIRH SATAN.ALIAS ISRAELS DANGEROUS GOD.WHATEVER.SO, IN SUMMARY ,REGARDING THIS SUBJECT,I'm just saying this.Theirs something happening here that's not MORTALLY visible.That most beings are unaware of.When the facts of this existence are summarized properly.And ,when all the facts of this life are evaluated properly?This here?The information I address here?It's the only thing which truly makes sense.My SPIRIT BURNED WITH INTENSE KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM THAT STAYED LIT AND IGNITED MY SENSES AND FACULTIES CONTINUALLY WHILE I WROTE IT.THATS ALL.On Fri., Jul. 29, 2022, 9:04 p.m. vinnie venus, <7thmaskedmarvel@gmail.com> wrote:David removed his helmet for a reason.In the bible.But I assure you.This information I'm addressing here to you.It goes way beyond the powers of david.THE GOD OF ISRAEL IS CAUTIOUS OF ME.AS C5Q79 OF THE PROPHESIES OF CHRISTIANITYS HOLY GHOST WARNS HUMANITY THROUGH NOSTRADAMUS.IM TRYING TO FIND OUT WHY.I did shoot myself with high tech fire power that shoots through steel.For a couple months.In the year 2000.The bullets bounced off my chest.Lynn?What's this GOD up to?On that note?What game is GOD PLAYING.BULLITS THAT ARE CAPABLE OF SHOOTING THROUGH STEEL, BOUNCED OFF MY CHEST.WHATS THAT?BUT I SHOULD WEAR A HELMET THOUGH.RIGHT LYNNE?UH HUH.YEP.On Fri., Jul. 29, 2022, 8:57 p.m. vinnie venus, <7thmaskedmarvel@gmail.com> wrote:And lynn?LYNNE?ARE YOU LISTENING?I DID SHOORT MY SELF WITH TECH FIRE AMMUNITION FOR A COUPLE MONTHS DURING THE YEAR 2000.IN SUICIDE ATTEMPTS THAT PROBABLY ULTIMATELY WOULD HAVE KILLED A BULL ELEPHANT.THATS MY QUESS.ANYWAYS.AND LYNNE?THE BULLITS?THEY BOUNCED OFF MY CHEST.NOW.....??I GOTTA TELL YA.THAT STILL MAKES ME WONDER.AS FAR AS I KNOW?I DIDNT HALLUCINATE DOING THAT...AS FAR AS I KNOW.YA SEE?SO..LYNNN?YOU LOVELY LADY, YOU..DO YOU STILL WANT YO TELL ME TO WEAR A HELMET?IM JUST CURIOUS?On Fri., Jul. 29, 2022, 8:52 p.m. vinnie venus, <7thmaskedmarvel@gmail.com> wrote:3 times I have been nailed by cars on highways.Once on trafalgar street.A car hit me going 70 according to witnesses.I went flying up the street. in 1977.70 miles an hour.Lynn.And I landed partly on my side and partly on my head.I was fine though.According to paramedics who came.BUT LYNN?ALARMINGLY?MY DAD TOLD ME, ON LOOKERS WHO CHECKED ME?BEFORE THE AMBULANCE GOT THERE?THE WITNESSES WHO SAW THE TERRIFYING ACCIDENT?THEY SWORE I WAS DEAD.NO PULSE.THEY SWORE TO IT.O MY.YET THE PARAMEDICS?THEY CHECKED MY APPARENTLY DEAD BODY AND I WOKE UP.THEN THEY SAID, ,""OO HES FINE.KERRYS FINE.DONT WORRY ABOUT IT.ALSO,LYNN?IN 2014?I WAS PEDDLING HOME FROM PORT STANLEY?AT 5 IN THE MORNING?AND A CAR HIT ME HEAD ON.AGAIN.I WENT FLYING.ALONG WITH MY BICYCLE.LYNN?MY BIKE WAS DESTROYED.BUT I WAS FINE.O MY YES.TRUE STORY.WEIRD EH?THEN IN THE YEAR 1998?SAME THING HAPPENED WHILE I WAS PEDDLING ON HIGHWAY 7 TOWARDS STRATFORD.MYMANGLED.BUT I WAS FINE.LYNN.THOUGH I WENT FLYING FOR QUITE A WAYS ON ROCK HARD PAVEMENT.EVERY TIME.WEIRD EH?LYNN?I WASNT WEARING A HELMET.EVERY TIME.YET MY HEAD WAS FINE.O MY, YES..
And """"another""" question?