Friday, February 2, 2024

The contradiction attached to christs mustard in the Christian scriptures in this existence

 The earliest description of orchid seedlings (Orchis morio and Bletia verecunda), was by the British botanist, R. A. Salisbury, in a paper delivered in 1802 and published in 1804. So? That means in the time of Jesus on earth humans knew of orchid plants. But humans were not directly aware of orchid seeds. So? Put two and two together with this? 

 And what does that specifically tell us?


 Mark 4 says that Jesus was referring to the mustard seed as being the smallest seed on earth in a parable. Meaning?

 Jesus wasn’t specifically directly saying a mustard seed is the smallest seed in existence? Jesus was referring to what humans on earth knew during christs time on earth. And, in the time of Christ,

 it’s obvious humans were not aware Of a smaller seed in the earth at that conjecture in time. 

In connection to both 2nd cor 4:4 and Luke 1:37, Jesus knew their was a smaller seed though that 

The god of this world satan “ who , in connection to John 12:25,, has powers to do weird deceptive things like this by the way, 

would make to be smaller as time progressed into the last days , in this existence. 

Which obviously is the orchid seed.

Satan and all evil spirits are deceptive.

And they do have incredible powers in this life to do weird things .

In order to try and confound a true Christian’s faith.

Which by the way, is why, Jesus questioned in the gospels of Christ if Jesus would find faith on earth when he returned to earth.


But anyhow, regarding the supposed contradiction in christs words that states that Jesus did not know that an orchid seed was smaller then a mustard seed?

 as my websites I have addressed to humans in this life here

clearly verify tooo in various places so,,,

Just for the appropriate sake of record?

 That’s the appropriate  answer to that supposed contradiction in Christianitys scriptures.

Regarding the differences in sizes between an orchid seed and a mustard seed.

Which clearly proves Jesus did know a orchid seed is smaller then a mustard seed.

Mark 4 says Jesus was referring to the mustard seed in a parable form.

Parable form.


that’s the key phrase there.

Obviously it is.

And Jesus was doing that too for a righteous reason.

As Matthew 7:6-7 also teaches true Christian’s in this existence.

Obviously .Pure and simple.