Thursday, September 2, 2021

 Is the following a Peculiar contradiction in christianity? Or just hypothetical " hear say?

Shall I say?

Getting to the point.

One scripture of christ finds jesus advising humans to take a seat at the back of any festivity you are invited to . To show humility.

Yet another scripture sees christ advising true Christian's to do as others ask.

So if another person asked you to mock the host and take a seat at the front of a festival you are invited to " well... you see the contradiction?

I suppose it is a slight contradiction.

Yet is it truly a contradiction?

If both statements from jesus are to be obeyed then it does work itself out to be a silly contradiction in christianity.

Yet perhaps the answer to this contradiction is simply  this.

Obey christ's instructions regarding taking a seat at the back of a festivity you are invited to and do not worry about the requests of obvious deviant people who clearly " by their works" hate christ.

As john 14: 15 advises all.

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