Thursday, February 10, 2022


The bible says the lord god of israel gave Solomon incredible wisdom.

And the christian bible says solomon states that " to possess wisdom you first must be righteous before christ.

Because the righteous follow matthew 19: 17 and are honored and saved in christ.

And jesus says in  luke 7: 35 that wisdom is justified of all her children.


On that note here is a good question.

The gospel of matthew chapter one says "" wise men read the stars of heaven and realized through the stars signs connected to astrology in this life that

Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem.

In the gospel of matthew it definitely states that the wise men were righteous for doing that.

Yet deuteronomy 18: 11 instructs humans not to seek the guidance of the stars in this life because that is evil and wrong before the jewish God...


That means that the wise men in the gospel of matthew weren't righteous before the god of israel and christ if matthew 5: 17 is considered.

Aligning luke 4: 4 of christianity obviously.

Aw yes..

In other words theirs a serious contradiction here.

Meaning this.

If matthew 2 says the wise men were righteous in seeking out jesus through the guidance of heavenly stars during the days that jesus was born on earth in this life and deuteronomy 18: 11 is literally  true at the same time""fully '""regarding the facts of this existence specifically" on such a subject""then why does jesus christ himself  say in matthew 5: 17 to 20 that the laws of moses must be followed fully for humans to be righteous before christ in this life?

As Roman's 3: 31 also states.

  The point?

Deuteronomy 18: 11 clearly contradicts matthew 2 in that matter.

Regarding christianity and human history  in this life.


This too is why I say

Unless what I address in this website is veracious fully" nothing in this

 life from a molecular point of view aligned to this 

 or  in christianity or actually any religions functions for that matter makes  any sense " at all" righteously.

Yet " if what I say connected to this 


is correct then christ and christianity still make sense.

Aligning this.

1st timothy 1: 9 to 10 matthew 19: 17 and john 14: 15.

Clearly such a statement made here is correct.

All facts in this existence confirm such a statement to be truth.

As I prove everywhere here.


Pure and simple.

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